PAUP Writers' Corner

Our authors cut across various fields and have shown prolific and adept literary prowess with the ability to contribute significantly to ongoing conversations in their spheres. We are excited to get your work out!


We are glad that you have chosen to publish with Pan-African University Press (PAUP). This guide outlines the production process for your manuscript and PAUP’s guidelines on style and formatting. This manual is in reference to the submission of your final manuscript, after it has been sent to readers and revised by you (if necessary), and is ready for copyediting and the rest of the production process. However, even prior to this step, you should reference the material in this manual to guide the preparation of your manuscript.

It is important that you follow guidelines carefully. Changes cannot be made to a manuscript after the typesetting phase. PAUP reserves the right not to make any additional proof corrections that we feel should have been incorporated in the manuscript during the pre-typesetting phase.

You must begin gathering permissions paperwork no later than three months before your manuscript submission date. Otherwise, these documents risk holding up the production of the book. If you are the editor of a volume, you are responsible for ensuring your contributors write to the same style and that the manuscript is presented in a uniform style. If you have any questions about the information contained in these guidelines, please contact your production editor.

Kind Regards,


Manuscript Preparation

1. Style and Formatting

  • Manuscripts must be 8½” × 11″ paper, with 1 inch margins on all sides.
  • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font for the body of the text.
  • Use double-spacing (2.0) on all text.
  • Do not use special formatting or codes in the preparation of your manuscript.
  • Always use two hard returns at the end of a paragraph, rather than indenting the first line of a new paragraph.
  • Turn off automatic hyphenation.
  • Do not use automatic numbering or bulleting for lists.
  • Use two hyphens with no spaces–as shown here–to indicate where dashes should appear in the printed book.
  • Your manuscript must be paginated before you submit it. Paginate the front matter in Roman numerals, and the main text in Arabic numerals.

  • Begin page 1 with the first page of the main text and number consecutively to the end. Do not restart pagination for each chapter.

  • If your manuscript contains multiple levels of subheads, identify these by labeling them: <A> for primary level<\>, <B> for secondary level<\>, and so forth.

  • Use caps and lower case, not ALL CAPS, for part titles, chapter titles, and all levels of subheads.


  • Mark extracts with <EXT> at the start and <\>and the end of the extract and separate the extract from the main text with two hard returns.
  • An exception not using any formatting is with poetry. For any poems, please indicate how lines of poetry should be typeset, including poetry used as epigraphs.
  • PAUP uses serial commas. In a series of three or more elements, commas are placed after each element (except the last), including before the conjunction joining the last element.

Example: a, b, and c— not a, b and c.

  • Either American or British English is accepted by PAUP, provided that it is uniform throughout the manuscript.
  • Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, or the more comprehensive Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, are the standard references for American English. The Oxford English Dictionary is the standard for British English. If a choice is offered by the dictionary, use the first spelling listed.
  • Refer to your contract for the maximum length of the manuscript. The total number of words includes the general text, all quotations, front matter, and back matter excluding the index, which is prepared from proofs.
  • You abide by the length restriction specified, otherwise you will be asked to cut and revise your manuscript accordingly.

1a. Front Layout

Front matter must accompany the manuscript when it is submitted to the publisher for production. Save the front matter electronically as a single text file (Roman numeral pagination) named “Front Matter” on the final disk.

These elements in italic are necessary for all books:

Half Title Page

Lists only the title of the work

Title Page

Lists the title, subtitle, and edition of the work (if not the first); as well as the name of the authors or editors as they should appear in the published work


If one will be included

Table of Contents

Lists chapter numbers, titles, and authors. If the book is divided into parts, the part numbers and titles should be included as well. Be sure the TOC titles are identical to the chapter titles appearing within the text. Do not include page numbers for the chapters.

List of Figures

With captions – a list is recommended for all books with more than a handful of figures

List of Tables

With captions – a list is recommended for all books with more than a handful of tables

Foreword (or Series Editor Introduction)

(In some books only; not essential to include). The foreword is an invited piece by a luminary figure in the field. The author or editor of the book issues the invitation. The purpose of a foreword is to sing the praises of the book and to highlight its contributions from the perspective of the invited author. If the book is in a series, the series editor may write an introduction.


(in some books only; not essential to include). A personal piece written by the author explaining how the book came to be written.


(in some books only; not essential to include). As part of the preface or as a separate section

1b. Back Layout

  • Back matter, such as glossaries and appendices, must accompany the final manuscript submitted for production. This material must be double-spaced unless it is reprinted material or other material that will not be copyedited.
  • If book is an edited collection, contributor biographies should also be included here. These should be no more than one paragraph each, and include the contributor’s name, affiliation, and (optional) other details such as current research areas or recent publications. Ensure the names are presented in exactly the same way as in the Table of Contents and Chapter headings.

1c. Artworks

All figures and tables (including those created in Microsoft Word) are considered artwork.  To ensure that your artwork appears correctly, it is imperative that you format your artwork exactly as requested and follow the guidelines below.

  • Figures should be numbered both according to the chapter they appear in and where they appear sequentially within that chapter. For example:

The first figure in chapter 1 should be: figure 1.1.

The third figure in chapter 4 should be figure 4.3.

  • Tables should be numbered likewise. For example:

The first table in chapter 1 should be: table 1.1.

The third table in chapter 4 should be table 4.3.

Do not place artwork within the text of the manuscript. Use a callout to indicate approximately where you wish each piece to be placed in the manuscript. Callouts should be bracketed, all caps, and bold:


  • Please include captions in the body of the text, below the callout.
  • Save each piece of artwork as a separate file, clearly labelled with the figure or table number.
  • All illustrations (figures, photos, drawings, other non-text components) must be submitted to the publisher in adequate format. Tables and figures must be supplied as high-resolution image files (preferably JPEG.)

1d. Equations

  • Use mathematical fonts rather than Equation Editor to prepare the equations. For example, the most common fonts are Symbol and Times Roman, each of which has a good set of symbols and characters; also a font such as Mathematical Pi has an expanded character map. This will avoid the typesetter having to re-key the equations, which can introduce errors.
  • As outlined earlier, please list which math fonts you have used when submitting your manuscript.
  • Note also that you should use the same math font throughout the manuscript.

1e. Index

  • The index is prepared in the latter part of the production process, once the page proofs have been developed, and should not be submitted with the manuscript.

  • Individual authors or editors are contractually responsible for the manual preparation of an author/subject index. Your production editor will give you detailed instructions at the time of indexing.

1f. Cover

  • Covers and jackets are produced late in the production schedule. PAUP has final design and editorial control, though your suggestions are welcome—for example, a picture you might want to use or a color you prefer or prefer not to have.

  • All photographs or other images will require the same permissions as others in the manuscript and must be a high-resolution copy. Authors or editors will be given jacket text and cover design for approval. We will prepare the jacket text and send a copy to you for any corrections and for your approval.

1g. Edited Volumes

  • For edited volumes, in addition to the final manuscript, the lead editor must submit a list of all authors, editors, and contributors with their current street mailing addresses (no P.O. Boxes or Postal Bags), phone numbers, and email addresses to the publisher. A complete and final list of contributor contact information is mandatory for contributed volumes.

  • For contributed volumes, it is the lead editor’s responsibility to ensure the entire manuscript is paginated sequentially, not chapter-by-chapter.

1h. References

PAUP uses the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition). Please refer to the Manual’s guidelines for greater detail to format the references and citations for your manuscript.

Either parenthetical or note citations are valid, but they must be used consistently. Edited volumes need only be consistent by chapter. Additionally, please review the guidelines below:

  • Uses endnotes, rather than footnotes.
  • Place notes at the end of each chapter, beginning with “1” for each new chapter.
  • Use the automated footnote or endnote feature of your word-processing program, as you are accustomed to placing them.
  • Do not place a note number within or at the end of a chapter title, subhead, or epigraph. An unnumbered note can be added at the beginning of that chapter’s endnotes if you need to convey information about the chapter as a whole or about the origin of the chapter title.
  • Place note numbers at the end of sentences or paragraphs.

For single authored volumes, a reference list will appear at the end of the manuscript. For edited volumes, a reference list will appear at the end of each chapter. In addition;

  • Ensure that each entry includes all publication details as applicable: author/editor name(s) and initials; date of publication; book or article title; journal title and volume number; place of publication; publisher; page numbers for chapter or journal articles.
  • It is essential that the reference list/bibliography includes every work cited by you in the text.
  • Please ensure you check that the date for each entry in the reference list/bibliography matches the date cited in the text reference. This will avoid time-consuming queries at copy-editing stage.


2. Permissions

  • All permissions must be cleared by the time the manuscript is ready for delivery. The book will not go into production if any permissions are outstanding.
  • Authors and contributors to edited works are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright owners for the use of lengthy quoted material as well as for all tables, figures, and illustrations.
  • Authors and editors who are including previously published chapters in their manuscript must obtain permission from the copyright holder of this material.
  • If permission fees are charged, it is your responsibility as the author, editor or contributor to pay the costs unless you have made an alternative arrangement with your Commissioning Editor.
  • Appendix B gives an example of a permission request letter that may be adapted and reproduced as needed.

United States Copyright law has provisions for materials in the public domain. In short, copyright for works created, published, or fixed in a tangible form for the first time in the United States before 1978 generally lasts for 95 years from the date of creation. Copyright for works created, published, or fixed in a tangible form for the first time in the United States in or after 1978 generally lasts for 70 years after the author’s death.

The following types of works are generally in the public domain:

  • Works that have not been fixed in a tangible form of expression
  • Works widely distributed without a copyright notice printed in them, such as brochures, pamphlets, and public documents
  • Most United States government documents
  • Nearly all works published 75 or more years prior to October 27, 1998—the date that the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act went into effect (that is, works published in 1923 or earlier)

Once a work goes into the public domain, the original remains in the public domain. However, edited or translated versions may be protected under copyright.

If a work is not in the public domain, and permission is required, refer to the publisher’s website if possible for instructions on obtaining permission. If no instructions are provided, write to the copyright owner, usually the publisher.

  • As a general guideline, permission should be requested for quoted materials of 300 words or more from books, 150 words or more from journal articles, and 50 words or more from newspapers, magazines, short stories, or essays, not to exceed 10% of the total article. Please note that these are total word amounts, whether or not these are split up as distinct quotations throughout your work.
  • For poetrysong lyrics and fiction/literature extractsall usage should be cleared with the original source, as this material is subject to stricter permissions restrictions.
  • For interviews, release forms from the interviewees are necessary. You can request a template release form from your editorial assistant. If it is a previously published interview, refer to the guidelines for journal articles.
  • For unpublished letters and online private messages (PMs), the writer is the copyright holder and the use will require permission.
  • For published letters, anything over 10% of the total content will require permission.
  • For illustrations, every piece will require permission from the original source/creator
  • Tables also require permission if they are reproduced as originally created. If you add or delete rows or columns of data you should acknowledge the original source (‘Adapted from…’), but formal permission is not necessary.
  • For photographs, if the photograph appears in a book, approach the publisher for permission, unless the photographer is acknowledged as the source, in which case approach the photographer directly. Photographs from picture agencies usually only require the agency’s permission. Be careful about cropping photographs or changing the colour as this affects the owner’s moral integrity (the author’s right not to have their work treated in a manner they might find derogatory). If there are recognizable faces, you will need a release from the subject.
  • For paintings and other artwork, although classic paintings and works of art are often in themselves out of copyright, museums and art galleries sometimes copyright all photographs or slides taken of them. Even personal photographs may be subject to copyright restrictions if used in a published book. Please contact the owner of the artwork to determine who holds the copyright. You may need to obtain permission from the museum/gallery, the artist or estate of the artist if deceased, or both.
  • Permission should be sought for reproducing all film and TV stills. For low-resolution screenshots, permission is not usually necessary. Please refer to the Society of Cinema and Media Studies guidelines.
  • For websites, check the copyright notice on the web page and send a permission request by email to the website operator.

3. Electronic Manuscript Submission

  • Electronic files are required for all elements of the manuscript, including front matter, text, end matter, and illustrations.
  • All files must be sent to your production editor via email.
  • Your manuscript must be saved as a Word document (.doc or .docx)/
  • If you make use of any special fonts (e.g. Chinese, Greek, mathematics, Hebrew), please submit a list of the exact name of each font and its filename.
  • Each chapter should be saved in its own separate file.
  • Each figure and table should be saved in its own separate file.
  • Save the front matter (paginated in Roman numerals) in a separate file as well.
  • Clearly label all additional materials (Author Questionnaire, Author’s Delivery Checklist, Copy Check Memo, etc.).
  • Make sure the files you submit contain only one copy of the final text. Erase all draft files.

4. After Publication

  • Your contract will state the number of free copies of your book that you will receive. They will be sent as soon as possible after the book is available.

  • For edited volumes, we will send one complimentary copy to each of the book’s contributors. These are free copies that are not charged to your account. (Note: Each contributor will receive one contributor’s copy, regardless of how many individual chapters the contributor has written or co-written for the book. Book editors do not receive additional contributor copies beyond their contractual editors’ copies.) Be sure to let us know if any of your contributors have moved, so that we can send their complimentary copies to the correct address.

  • If you spot typographical errors in your book, please notify your production editor by email. Please include the page number, line number, former sentence and revised version. Necessary changes will be made if the book is reprinted.  Unless the book is undergoing extensive changes for a revised edition, we avoid making any changes other than correcting glaring factual inaccuracies.

5. Annex

  • Ensure that each chapter, figure, and illustration is included as a separate Word file.
  • Make sure to include a front matter section including title, short title, and table of contents.
  • Check that each chapter title and name is the same in the table of contents and in the manuscript.
  • Ensure that pagination in the front matter is in Roman numerals.
  • Ensure that pagination begins at “1” in the manuscript, and that it is sequential throughout the manuscript.
  • Verify credit lines against corresponding letters of permission to ensure that all obligations for specific wording have been met.
  • Verify the list of figures against the caption copy and against the artwork itself for correspondence.
  • If publishing an edited volume, make sure to include contributor’s biographies and contact information for each contributor.
** You must request worldwide, English-language print (hardback and paperback) and ebook rights.**



Permissions Manager

[publisher’s/copyright holder’s address]


To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing requesting permission to reprint the following material for a book that the Pan-African University Press (PAUP) will soon be publishing in the academic market. As I am working within my publisher’s timeline, I hope that you will be able to respond quickly. The selection for which I am requesting permission is:

[List author, title, copyright date, and exact material to be reprinted; for art, identify source as appropriate and attach a copy]

to be reprinted in:

[Insert title] by [author(s)]; proposed date of publication is [Season and year].

Approximately [pp #] pages.  Initial print run of 300 print copies and 300 eBooks for the academic library market. Price: $[#] (both print and ebook)

We request non-exclusive rights, covering all editions that PAUP publishes in English throughout the world, including eBook versions. Appropriate credit will be given in the book’s acknowledgements. Please indicate wording below.

If you are the copyright holder, or if additional permission is needed for rights from another source, please so indicate.  You may indicate your agreement on the bottom of this letter, by signing and dating it. Please keep a copy for your files and return the original to the address below. If you have any questions about this request, please contact me at [insert contact info.].

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

All the best,

Permission granted:

Signature: ­­­­­______________________________________  Date: ­­­­­­­­______________

Credit Line:

If you do not hold these rights, please let me know whom I should contact.  Thank you.

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